PSO Customers


PSO Home Weatherization Program

Titan ES, LLC has been the service provider for the home PSO Weatherization Program since its inception in 2010. This program has been an incredible success in providing free weatherization services to over 25,000 PSO customers. If you make $55,000 or less, your home is under 2200 square feet and older than the year 2010, then you may qualify. If five or more live in the home, the income guideline increases per person. Homeowners and renters are eligible and potential upgrades may include attic insulation, air sealing, duct sealing and water heater insulation. We have made the process easy and convenient.

Home Rebate Program

Titan ES is also a participating contractor in the PSO Residental Efficiency Rebate Program. Customers who do not qualify for the weatherization program can benefit from the significant rebates offered through this program. A Titan assessor will evaluate your home for attic insulation, air sealing and duct sealing. We will provide you a free estimate for the energy upgrades proposed. Your out-of-pocket portion will be the total amount minus the eligible rebates. There is no need to wait for the rebate incentives, for they are paid directly to us. It is that easy.

Rebates are up to $600 for attic insulation; up to $800 for duct sealing; and $500 for air sealing the home. These are fantastic rebates and greatly reduce the out-of pocket expense, if any. Call to schedule a FREE assessment and he/she will go over the rebates available to you so you can make an informed decision. Our assessors are not paid on commission, so you are under no obligation and the estimate is a no pressure, informative appointment.

Getting Started

Call or fill out the form on this page to initiate a quick phone interview. We will then schedule an in-home assessment to collect information on the home, complete paperwork and then schedule a convenient time to perform the work. Depending on the size and needs of the home, work is completed in about two hours. You may also visit the PSO Power Forward website by clicking the link below.


Let's Get Started

Let Titan ES create a cozy and comfortable environment for you. Call us to schedule a free, no-pressure in-home estimate. You will not be disappointed.


OKC Office

Tulsa Office